About Conference

41st Indian Geographers Meet 2019 and National Conference On Building a Disaster Resilient Society: Methods and Approaches


The 41st Indian Geographers Meet 2019 & the Annual Conference of the IIG will be hosted by the School of Studies in Geography and will be held at Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh from 21st to 23rd November 2019. The focal theme of the conference is Building a Disaster Resilient Society: Methods and Approaches which aims to focus on the question of distribution and resultant inequalities across geographical regions, sections of society and sectors of economy. The conference, however, shall be inclusive and provide an open platform to all scholars of geography and allied disciplines. Plenary lectures will have distinguished scholars speaking on themes of utmost importance.


“Building a Disaster Resilient Society: Methods and Approaches” Disaster resilience is the ability of individuals, communities, organizations and states to adapt and recover from hazards, shocks and stresses without compromising long-term prospects for sustainable development. Developing disaster-resilient communities and societies requires accurate identification and analysis of the risks that the communities or societies are faced with and having all stakeholders from government to communities fully understands these risks. Controlling natural hazards is difficult, thus enhancing social capacity to cope with disasters is one of the most effective ways to manage, mitigate and reduce disaster risks. IIG poses this as the focal theme for 2019 meet. The following sub-themes are proposed:


  • Investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience
  • Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk
  • Innovating resilience through new research and science
  • Natural Disaster Management and Application of Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Global warming & Climate Change
  • Flood & Drought
  • Desertification & Environmental Protection
  • Climate Change, Water and Sustainability
  • Bio-diversity & Conservation
  • Tribal Area Development & Ecological Resources
  • Industrial Development and Environment
  • Mining Environment & Planning
  • Climate Change, Bio-diversity, Environmental Challenges
  • Urbanization & Sustainable Development
  • Urban-Industrial Growth and Demographic Dynamism
  • Urban Sustainable Development & Geo-Informatics
  • Geo-spatial Technology in Natural Resource Management
  • Industrial Corridors, Ecology and Society
  • Impacts of Expanding Urban-Industrial Spaces
  • Competing and Conflicting Land and Waterscapes
  • Regional Development: Contemporary Challenges
  • Progress and Challenges in Geography in India
  • Frontiers of Physical Geography
  • Frontiers of Human Geography
  • Application of RS, GIS and GPS in environmental studies
  • Sustainability: Special reference to Chhattisgarh

Water, Forest, Wildlife, Soil, Minerals, Tourism, Population

(Narva,Garva, Ghurwa and Baadi)



IIG has instituted an award for the best paper presented by a single author below the age of 32. The young scholars who want to be considered for the award are advised to register for the event and submit their full original paper along with an abstract. The award carries a certificate and a modest cash prize.


Prof. A.B Mukherji Memorial Lecture was introduced during 37th IIG Meet. Prof. Sunando Bandyopadhyay, Department of Geography, University of Calcutta, Kolkata will deliver the 5th Prof. A.B. Mukherji Lecture at 41st IIG Meet.



Raipur (21°14'14" N and 81°38'5" E), the capital of Chhattisgarh State, is an important administrative, commercial, Industrial and educational center. Raipur is an important junction on the Mumbai-Kolkata trunk line of the SEC Railways, and the premier node of the NH 53. It enjoys a central location in Chhattisgarh. It is well connected by air (Swami Vivekanand Terminal, Mana, Raipur) with major cities of India, viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Nagpur and Indore. This nodal location has contributed to its growing importance. Naya Raipur (New Raipur) which is located between NH 53 and NH 30 is about 17 km away is being developed as one of the most beautiful planned cities of India. Naya Raipur is serving an administrative and commercial capital of the state. During November temperature ranges between a maximum of 30°C and minimum of 20°C.



The Conference is to be held at Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh (India), which is the largest and the oldest University of Chhattisgarh was established on May 01, 1964. This is a teaching-cum-affiliating University. There are twenty seven Departments located on the University campus for Post-Graduate studies and research in various disciplines of Science, Social Science, Humanities, Management, Computer Science, Library Science, Physical Education, Pharmacy and Law, Some S.o.S. (Departments) are also running U.G. courses are like Pharmacy, Law, Centre for Basic Science, Renewable Energy, Technology and Management (B.Voc.), Physical Education, Library Science and Institute of Teachers Education. There is a National Centre for Natural Resources (NCNR). There are 128 affiliated colleges spread over five districts of Chhattisgarh.



The School of Studies in Geography, a DST FIST aided Department, formerly known as the Department of Geography was established on 1st Nov. 1965. The School of Studies in Geography has been successful in maintaining the standard of teaching and research. The school is pioneer in starting M.Phil. Course in 1976 in the Central India. A large number of students from various parts of the country have been enrolled for various courses M.A./M.Sc./M.Phil. and Ph.D. The focal areas of research are Regional Development and Planning, Resource Development, Population Studies, Urban Studies, Agricultural Geography and Social Geography. Initiatives for development of facilities and courses in Remote Sensing and GIS are underway. Presently the Department has faculty strength of 08 (05 Professors, 01 Assistant Professor & 02 Cont. Asstt. Prof.).


Important Dates

  • Submission Starts:
    October 12, 2019
  • Submission Ends:
    November 12, 2019
  • Registration Starts:
    October 12, 2019
  • Registration Ends:
    November 12, 2019
  • Spot Registration Starts:
    November 21, 2019
  • Spot Registration Ends:
    November 21, 2019
  • Intimation of Acceptance of Abstract/Paper
    November 12, 2019