Instructions To Authors

Abstract Guidelines

You  are  invited  to  send  your  abstract  to  the  41st Indian Geographers Meet 2019 & National Conference On Building a Disaster Resilient Society: Methods and Approaches. You  have  to  send  your  abstract on  or  before  the  abstract  submission deadline. The abstract must first pass a double-blind peer review and if it is accepted by the reviewer,   we will send you the abstract acceptance notification.  Upon payment of the registration fee, your presentation will be confirmed. Submit your abstract online through


How to Prepare Your Paper

Abstract Content

The abstract of the work proposed to be presented should be prepared and properly pasted in the space provided according to the instructions given below and submitted online. The abstracts should be submitted only in the prescribed format.

The following sections are REQUIRED and should be IN THIS ORDER.


Type the complete title of paper in the in the space provided.


Name of the presenting author and affiliation (use appropriate abbreviations for institution with city, state, country and code) should be typed in the given space. The presenting author only shall present the paper and the name cannot be changed later. In case of emergencies, at the time of conference the participation of this designated author is prevented; the chair(s) of the conference must be notified immediately.

Type the Co-Author(s) name(s) only in the space provided. Maximum number of Co-Authors should not be more than three (03).

Do not use titles; i.e. Dr., Ph.D., etc. Only affiliation of presenting author should be mentioned. Do not mention affiliations of co-authors.


Abstract should also be submitted in MS Word Version 6.0/95 or a higher version. The text of the abstract should be typed in Times New Roman using font size of 12 with title in bold. The abstract should not be more than 250 words.


Not more than five key words to be typed in the space provided

Important Dates

  • Submission Starts:
    October 12, 2019
  • Submission Ends:
    November 12, 2019
  • Registration Starts:
    October 12, 2019
  • Registration Ends:
    November 12, 2019
  • Spot Registration Starts:
    November 21, 2019
  • Spot Registration Ends:
    November 21, 2019
  • Intimation of Acceptance of Abstract/Paper
    November 12, 2019