
Publication and Dissemination of Presented Work

Abstracts Book

All accepted abstracts for 2nd ICFIRHS 2019, will be published in the conference e-abstract book with an associated ISBN.978-93-85525-55-1

The selected full papers sent for conference proceedings will be subjected to double blind reviewing process and will be published electronically/ Print with Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT) an ISSN:  0974-360X(Online),  0974-3618(Print). With discounted APC/OAC. RJPT is indexed/listed with CAB Abstracts, Google Scholar, Scopus, ProQuest Central and Indian Citation Index.

Publishning Journals

ISSN (Print)

ISSN (online)

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT) is an international, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal, devoted to pharmaceutical sciences. The aim of RJPT is to increase the impact of pharmaceutical research both in academia and industry, with strong emphasis on quality and originality. RJPT publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences from the discovery of a drug up to clinical evaluation. Topics covered are: Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics; Pharmaceutical chemistry including medicinal and analytical chemistry; Pharmacognosy including herbal products standardization and Phytochemistry; Pharmacology: Allied sciences including drug regulatory affairs, Pharmaceutical Marketing, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Education and Hospital Pharmacy. The journal is indexed/listed with CAB Abstracts, Google Scholar, Scopus and ProQuest Central, Indian Citation Index.

ISSN (Print)

ISSN (online)

Research Journal of Science and Technology (RJST)

Research Journal of Science and Technology (RJST) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to science and technology. The aim of RJST is to increase the impact of technological research both in academia and industry, with strong emphasis on quality and originality. RJST publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of Science and Technology. Research Journal of Science and Technology (RJST) is published every year in last week of February, April, June, August, October and December from Raipur. From January 2013, is Quarterly and shall be published every year in last week of March, June, September and December.The journal is indexed/listed with Google Scholar, ProQuest Central,Indian Citation Index.

ISSN (Print)

ISSN (online)

Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry

Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry (AJRC) (ISSN: print-0974-4169, Online-0974-4150) is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to pure and applied chemistry. AJRC publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all aspects of chemistry. Topics covered including the traditional areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, biochemistry, forensic, physical-theoretical chemistry as well as newer interdisciplinary areas such as agriculture, materials science, computational, medicine, spectroscopy, polymers, supramolecular, surface, chemical physics, biological, medicinal/ drugs, environmental and pharmaceutical chemistry.

ISSN (Print)

ISSN (online)

Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology

Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology (RJPDFT) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to pharmaceutical sciences. The aim of RJPDFT is to increase the impact of pharmaceutical research both in academia and industry, with strong emphasis on quality and originality. RJPDFT publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences from the discovery of a drug up to clinical evaluation. Topics covered are: Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics; Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Allied sciences including drug regulatory affairs, Pharmaceutical Marketing, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Education and Hospital Pharmacy

ISSN (Print)

ISSN (online)

Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry (RJPP) (ISSN: print-0975-2331, Online-0975-4385) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to Pharmacognosy. The aim of RJPP is to increase the impact of pharmacognostic research both in academia and industry, with strong emphasis on quality and originality. RJPP publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

ISSN (Print)

ISSN (online)

Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics

Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics (RJPPD) (ISSN: print-0975-4407, online- 2321-5836) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. The aim of RJPPD is to increase the impact of pharmacological research both in academia and industry, with strong emphasis on quality and originality. RJPPD publishes Original research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and human physiology.

ISSN (Print)
0976- 2981

ISSN (online)

Research Journal of Topical and Cosmetic Science

Research Journal of Topical and Cosmetic Sciences (RJTCS) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, correspondence in the fields of skin and cosmetic research. The aim of RJTCS is to publishes Original research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in both pure and applied areas in cosmetic sciences. The area includes cosmetics, toiletries, perfumery and the formulations used on testing of skin, hair and oral products, physical chemistry and technology used in cosmetic emulsion and dispersed systems, theory and application of surfactants, olfactive research, aerosol technology and selected aspects of standerdization of cosmetic formulations and its analytical chemistry

ISSN (Print)

ISSN (online)

Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (AJPSci) (ISSN: Print-2231–5640, Online-2231–5659) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to pharmaceutical sciences. AJPSci publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences.

ISSN (Print)

ISSN (online)

Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology

Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (AJPTech.) (ISSN: Print-2231–5705, Online-2231–5713) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to pharmaceutical sciences. AJPTech publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences.

ISSN (Print)

ISSN (online)

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (AJPRes.) (ISSN: Print-2231–5683, Online-2231–5691) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to pharmaceutical sciences. AJPRes. publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences .

ISSN (Print)

ISSN (online)

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis (AJPAna) (ISSN: Print-2231–5667, Online-2231–5675) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to pharmaceutical analysis. AJPAna publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of pharmaceutical analysis.

Important Dates

  • Submission Starts:
    August 16, 2019
  • Submission Ends:
    August 27, 2019
  • Registration Starts:
    September 29, 2019
  • Registration Ends:
    September 30, 2019
  • Spot Registration Starts:
    September 13, 2019
  • Spot Registration Ends:
    September 13, 2019
  • Early Bird Registration
    August 05, 2019 
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline
    October 15, 2019