Registration Guidelines


Guidelines for registration fee

  • If you are Oral Presenter or as a Poster presenter you should register as a delegate/student.
  • If you are a listener you should register as an attendee/ Non presenter.
  • The registration fee is based on your citizenship, not nationality.

NOTE: *Registration fee is all inclusive of taxes.

Registration fee includes:

  • Accommodation in 4 sharing room. (University Apartment)
  • Presentation slot oral (15min)/Poster – Not applicable for Non presenters
  • 4 Refreshments (Coffee and snacks)
  • 2 Breakfast (Conference day 1and 2)
  • 2 Lunches (Conference day 1and 2)
  • 2 Dinner (Including 1 gala dinner) with cultural show
  • Abstract Book (E abstract )
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Conference Bag (optional on payment)
  • Presentation certificate
  • Notebook and Pen
  • Conference schedule handout
  • Eligibility for all technical sessions and presentation inside the conference
  • Free publication of conference proceeding with ISBN No.
  • Submit your paper for peer review to the RJPT (SCOPUS indexed)
  • Conference photo coverage


Payment methods for the participants

Please adhere to the deadlines as it is vital for better arrangement. Both Presenters and Non- Presenters are required to register and pay their registration fee by on or before deadline.

We accept on a first come first serve basis as limited seats available. Please mark your calendar with the dates of importance and plan so that your activities take place well before deadlines in order  to  avoid  unexpected  work  or  travel  conflicts, technical  problems,  in  case you  need assistance, or other delays.

For Foreign Participants / BANK TRANSFER (TT)

BANK NAME: State Bank of India

BRANCH: Ravishankar University Raipur (CG) 492010

BENEFICIARY: A and V Publications

ADDRESS OF BENEFICIARY:  A & V Publications, RJPT House, Lokmanya GrihNirman Society, Rohanipuram, In-front of Sector- 1, Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Nagar, Raipur 492 010. (CG) India. Phone No. +919406051618

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 30863620032

SWIFT CODE (International): SB IN IN BB 646


MIRC Code: 492002010



**Note: The conference secretariat should receive the exact amount of registration fees. If not, the participant has to pay the balance due at the registration desk. Therefore, the participant has to add US$ 5-10 for the international transaction cost. Any addition received will be reimbursed at the Registration Desk.


On line Payment System

Online payment can be done through PAYPAL system for this visit to website

Once you registered for the conference, you will be receiving an email with the invoice and customized link. You can make the payment online using the link below


On site payments

If you have funding issues and other unavoidable circumstances you can pay onsite and register to the conference. However please be noted you need to pay the highest registration fee when you paying on site. Furthermore, you need to confirm your participation with your scanned copy of the Air ticket and passport together with accommodation confirmation receipt to reserve a slot at the Conference.


Partners of the Conference

You can collaborate with the Conference as a Hosting, Academic or a Strategic partner.

Hosting Partner /Academic Partner/Strategic Partner

According to the agreement with two parties (University/Institute/Organization and confnext), following benefits will be offered to Hosting Partner /Academic Partner/Strategic Partner.


Number of Complementary registrations

Discount applicable for university representatives (10% – 20%)


Other benefits

  • Opportunity for university representatives to join the scientific Reviewing Committee of abstracts and full papers.
  • Opportunity for University representatives to the session chair and evaluation panel of the conference.
  • Opportunity for Plenary Speakers and Invited speakers
  • Distributing the University’s promotional materials with the conference registration pack .
  • Including the University logo in all Printed and Digital Media platforms of the Conference.

Payment Links

Important Dates

  • Submission Starts:
    August 16, 2019
  • Submission Ends:
    August 27, 2019
  • Registration Starts:
    September 29, 2019
  • Registration Ends:
    September 30, 2019
  • Spot Registration Starts:
    September 13, 2019
  • Spot Registration Ends:
    September 13, 2019
  • Early Bird Registration
    August 05, 2019 
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline
    October 15, 2019